These days, watching the news can make it seem like people have never been more divided. Everywhere, individuals appear to be pitted against each other—against Mexicans, refugees, immigrants, Europe, and Muslims.
I believe there are always more reasons to unite, and that our differences present opportunities to learn and grow.
That’s why I dedicated a wall in the Nomads office in Dubai to an Arabic translation of these simple words I wrote, that reflect a nomadic mindset: "Love everything, love everyone, love everywhere."
Inspired by Bambi and Thumper, who taught me as a child that strangers can become best friends, they served as the backdrop for this message. Design Director Celia Jaber created the design, and street artist Justin McMahon brought it to life on our walls. Check out the time-lapse video to see how an empty office wall transformed into something meaningful.

Watch the time-lapse video.